photo credit - Buck Ryan, Snake River Waterkeeper
...ignite your campaign with investigative visual storytelling
Oil Train to Nowhere
Proponents of the proposed Uinta Basin Railway oil train claim it would allow the oil industry to quadruple petroleum extraction in the area. Residents are concerned their property will be seized by eminent domain in order to serve private industry rather than the common good. Many have been notified that surveys are planned. The oil […]
Oil Train to Nowhere
Proponents of the proposed Uinta Basin Railway oil train claim it would allow the oil industry to quadruple petroleum extraction in the area. Residents are concerned their property will be seized by eminent domain in order to serve private industry rather than the common good. Many have been notified that surveys are planned. The oil […]
Dakota Access Pipeline
The Lakota people have long prophesized the coming of a black snake which carries a darkness and a sickness that will stretch across the land. In 2017 this mythical snake manifested in the form of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The largest gathering of indigenous peoples since the 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn came together to […]
Dakota Access Pipeline
The Lakota people have long prophesized the coming of a black snake which carries a darkness and a sickness that will stretch across the land. In 2017 this mythical snake manifested in the form of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The largest gathering of indigenous peoples since the 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn came together to […]
Uranium Imports
Utah Poised to Import Radioactive Waste from Estonia Public Comment Period Closes July 10th By Jennifer Ekstrom White Mesa Uranium Mill in southern Utah could soon become the destination for 2200 tons (4,400,000 pounds) of radioactive uranium waste from Estonia. This uranium waste would be shipped across the Atlantic and imported through the Gulf of […]
Women’s Safety – India
While filming for Cause to Wonder in northern India, it quickly became apparent that the life of Indian women is fraught with inequality and the danger of physical and sexual abuse. It’s a cultural norm that is not adequately addressed by government or law enforcement. A new approach is needed. Lisa Menna, founder of Cause […]
Women’s Safety – India
While filming for Cause to Wonder in northern India, it quickly became apparent that the life of Indian women is fraught with inequality and the danger of physical and sexual abuse. It’s a cultural norm that is not adequately addressed by government or law enforcement. A new approach is needed. Lisa Menna, founder of Cause […]
A Stand Against Tar Sands
The film Last Rush for the Wild West exposes how impending tar sands and oil shale strip mining would destroy massive, pristine landscapes in Utah and devastate the Colorado River watershed. The making of this film played an important role in stimulating and bringing together opposition to the United States’ precedent setting tar sands mine. […]
A Stand Against Tar Sands
The film Last Rush for the Wild West exposes how impending tar sands and oil shale strip mining would destroy massive, pristine landscapes in Utah and devastate the Colorado River watershed. The making of this film played an important role in stimulating and bringing together opposition to the United States’ precedent setting tar sands mine. […]
Redefining Prosperity
Born in the California Gold Rush, Nevada City was once the scene of some of the most destructive environmental practices on earth. By the 1960s, the town was a backwater, its extractive industries dying. Then it was discovered by the “back to the land movement.” It was a second gold rush but with a different […]
Redefining Prosperity
Born in the California Gold Rush, Nevada City was once the scene of some of the most destructive environmental practices on earth. By the 1960s, the town was a backwater, its extractive industries dying. Then it was discovered by the “back to the land movement.” It was a second gold rush but with a different […]